Balqash Country: KazakhstanViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowAt the correct approach the branch of tourism can be turned into the full-fledged driver of economy. Priority is development of the Almaty mountain cluster, the coast of Lakes Alakol and Balkhash, ecological tourism in national natural parksAt the correct approach the branch of tourism can be turned into the full-fledged driver of economy. Priority is development of the Almaty mountain cluster, the coast of Lakes Alakol and Balkhash, ecological tourism in national natural parks2/24/2022Kanat BozumbaevIt will pollute Balkhash, and will not simply pollute, and it will pollute heat. Because the reactor has to be cooled, for this purpose and becomes on the bank of the lake. And much all lives in Balkhash, it and so on the verge of death8/22/2023Mels YeleusizovAt the correct approach the branch of tourism can be turned into the full-fledged driver of economy. Priority is development of the Almaty mountain cluster, the coast of Lakes Alakol and Balkhash, ecological tourism in national natural parksAt the correct approach the branch of tourism can be turned into the full-fledged driver of economy. Priority is development of the Almaty mountain cluster, the coast of Lakes Alakol and Balkhash, ecological tourism in national natural parks2/24/2022Kanat BozumbaevIt will pollute Balkhash, and will not simply pollute, and it will pollute heat. Because the reactor has to be cooled, for this purpose and becomes on the bank of the lake. And much all lives in Balkhash, it and so on the verge of death8/22/2023Mels YeleusizovAt the correct approach the branch of tourism can be turned into the full-fledged driver of economy. Priority is development of the Almaty mountain cluster, the coast of Lakes Alakol and Balkhash, ecological tourism in national natural parksAt the correct approach the branch of tourism can be turned into the full-fledged driver of economy. Priority is development of the Almaty mountain cluster, the coast of Lakes Alakol and Balkhash, ecological tourism in national natural parks2/24/2022Kanat Bozumbaev1229Region News+9 last weekMedia Score: Low92years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 19324:33:14 PMGMT+67 71036Dialing code81Connections+23 last weekPopulation78 002NewsConnections Tree
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