The admiral Vyacheslav Alekseevich Popov explained an origin of signals of SOS from a place of death of "Kursk"

@Argumenty i Fakty
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Moscow, on November 22 - newspaper "Argumenty i fakty". SOS signals were given on August 12, 2000 not by the Russian Kursk submarine, and the submarine which was nearby of NATO. It in interview of Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti" was declared by the admiral Vyacheslav Alekseevich Popov. According to him, made sounds were written down and sent to acoustic laboratory for analyses. It became clear that they move with help the automatic mechanism. "On our submarines neither such mechanisms, nor systems for giving of these, we do not have this signal. Therefore the submarine foreign" could give it only, – Vyacheslav Alekseevich Popov explained. He added that acoustics on the cruiser "Pyotr...