Socialists are in the lead on regional elections in Venezuela

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In Venezuela 20 of 23 governor's posts are occupied by candidates of ruling Uniform socialist party (PSUV), reported national electoral council of the state of CNE. The opposition Venezuela wins previously a victory in three states - State of Cojedes, State of Nueva Esparta and State of Zulia. "Results which are counted, reflect data of 90,21% of bulletins and participation of 41,8% of voters, in total - 8 151 793 citizens", - the head of CNE (the quote on "Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti"") declared. According to its data, candidates United Socialist Party of Venezuela achieved a victory in 20 of 23 states of the country. President Venezuela Nicolas Maduro...
Nicolas Maduro
Last position: President of the Republic Venezuela (President of Bolivarian of the Republic of Venezuela)
Political ideology:Bolivarizm, Chávezism, socialism of 21 centuries, left nationalism, \u000aanti-capitalism.