State of Zulia Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowToday we can officially tell that revolution won 19 states, including Suliya — the most occupied staff of the country in which we collected 57% of votes. I congratulateToday we can officially tell that revolution won 19 states, including Suliya — the most occupied staff of the country in which we collected 57% of votes. I congratulate12/11/2017Nicolas MaduroI want to sign the decree about state of emergency for a period of 90 days in connection with rains which led to natural disasters in states of Apure, Bolívar, Yarakuy, Zulia and Merida8/26/2021Nicolas MaduroToday we can officially tell that revolution won 19 states, including Suliya — the most occupied staff of the country in which we collected 57% of votes. I congratulateToday we can officially tell that revolution won 19 states, including Suliya — the most occupied staff of the country in which we collected 57% of votes. I congratulate12/11/2017Nicolas MaduroI want to sign the decree about state of emergency for a period of 90 days in connection with rains which led to natural disasters in states of Apure, Bolívar, Yarakuy, Zulia and Merida8/26/2021Nicolas MaduroToday we can officially tell that revolution won 19 states, including Suliya — the most occupied staff of the country in which we collected 57% of votes. I congratulateToday we can officially tell that revolution won 19 states, including Suliya — the most occupied staff of the country in which we collected 57% of votes. I congratulate12/11/2017Nicolas Maduro128Region News+1 last weekMedia Score: Low10Connections+7 last weekPopulationno dataNewsConnections Tree
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Trending OrganizationsMost discussed today70Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation of the Novosibirsk regionRating: 44Mention frequency44ConnectionsPlaces110Organizations68Events32People19Technologies9Laws2
HockeyТри игрока Bleed Esports объявили о поиске новой командыDota28/4/2024Geography16 secInternationalМадуро допустил передачу прав на разработку нефти и газа странам БРИКСRBC8/3/2024MediaPeopleGeographyCompanies1.9 minPoliticsПрезидент Венесуэлы Мадуро: боевики планируют совершить теракт в КаракасеGazeta.Ru8/3/2024PeopleGeographyCompanies37 secPoliticsМадуро предупредил о готовящемся терактеRussian information agency "Ura.Ru"8/3/2024GeographyCompaniesPeopleMedia34 secPoliticsМадуро предупредил о готовящемся терактеonline newspaper "Vesti.Ru"8/3/2024MediaPeopleGeographyCompanies43 secPoliticsУ Николаса Мадуро кругом врагиTo Kommersantj.R8/1/2024GeographyCompaniesPeopleMedia6.5 min