The ex-minister Eugenie Chervonenko declared that Ukraine is afraid of return Republic of Crimea and Donets Basin

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The former minister transports and communications Ukraine and ex-deputatverkhovnoy are glad to Evgeniychervonenko told that there will be in Ukraine in case of "return" Republic of Crimea and Donets Basin. He reported about it on air of Nash TV channel. "You know, it was and uporoshenko, and now. Though scoff at people whose Republic of Crimea, Republic of Crimea ours, or Donets Basin, they do not want to attach to Ukraine" — declared Eugenie Chervonenko. He explained it to that in case of participation of inhabitants Republic of Crimea, Donetsk People's Republic and Luhansk People's Republic in the Ukrainian elections, they will support Политическая партия "Za zhittya", instead of the ex-president Petro Poroshenko and prezidentavladimira Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky...