Chapter Bavly district left a post – it passes into PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "TATNEFT" NAMED AFTER V. D. SHASHINA

@Biznes Online
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As well as predicted business e-newspaper "Business Online", Ramil Gatiyatullin resigned of chapter Bavly district. It it was declared at an emergency meeting of SOVET RAYONA. "I bring my statement for abdication of chapter Bavly district in connection with transition to other place of work" — Ramil Gatiyatullin reported at meeting. He also told that it was offered to it to head one of divisions of PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "TATNEFT" NAMED AFTER V. D. SHASHINA to Kazan. The offer was accepted deputies of council. Summed up the results of work Ramil Gatiyatullin and the chairman State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan Farid Mukhametshin stated parting words. "We always said that...
Ramil Gatiyatullin
Last position: Head of the municipal area, chairman of the board (Council of the Bavly city municipal area)
Farid Mukhametshin
Last position: Chairman (State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan)
Guzairov Ilyas