At theater "Et Cetera" showed statement "A water glass"

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As the author of statement Morozov Boris acted. The next premiere at capital theater "Et Cetera" forced to remember a remark of the art director theaters Alexander Aleksandrovich Kalyagin that following to fashion inevitably leads to imitation. At theater do not try to shock with to what as Alexander Aleksandrovich Kalyagin, hundred years during the lunchtime speaks. Screens on a scene, or the men playing women, or recutting of the original such that the viewer endeavors to understand that it was. Morozov Boris, recently left post of the art director Theatres the Russian Army, put at Theatre Alexander Aleksandrovich Kalyagin performance according to the play in which everything is concluded in dialogues, in exchanges...
Alexander Aleksandrovich Kalyagin
Last position: Artistic director (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Moscow city theater "YETS")
Natalia Blagikh
Last position: Actress (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Moscow city theater "YETS")
Morozov Boris
Skrib Ezhen