Ленинградская панорама. Четко, ярко и правдиво!

На XXIV Фестивале средств массовой информации Ленобласти руководители редакций, журналисты и чиновники обсудили будущее региональных СМИ на фоне развития цифровых технологий...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Vsevolozhsk messages online» , more details in our Terms of Service
Alexander Drozdenko
Last position: Governor (Government of the Leningrad region)
 Anna Danilyuk
Last position: Chairman of the Committee of administration management and protocol (Government of the Leningrad region)
Vladimir Zykov
Last position: Director (Assotsiatsiya professional users of social networks and messengers)
Konstantin Nikolaevich Viziryakin
Last position: Chairman of the Committee (COMMITTEE PO PECHATI OF THE LENINGRAD REGION)
Chernykh Oleg
Main activity:Communication and IT
Regional committee on Press
Government Agency