Revda Sverdlovsk region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreThe term of my powers expires at the end of December, 2021, and I finish the work as the head of the city district Revda. I do not go on the second term of office as to me the offer on work in other sphere arrived, and I accepted itThe term of my powers expires at the end of December, 2021, and I finish the work as the head of the city district Revda. I do not go on the second term of office as to me the offer on work in other sphere arrived, and I accepted it11/26/2021Irina TeyshevaFunds will be allocated for reconstruction of North Volchanskogo of water intaking knot, and also for implementation of concession agreements in the municipal sphere in Revda, Forest and the Bottom Tura11/10/2022Yevgeny KuyvashevFunds will be allocated for reconstruction of North Volchanskogo of water intaking knot, and also for implementation of concession agreements in the municipal sphere in Revda, Forest and the Bottom TuraFunds will be allocated for reconstruction of North Volchanskogo of water intaking knot, and also for implementation of concession agreements in the municipal sphere in Revda, Forest and the Bottom Tura11/3/2022Yevgeny KuyvashevThe term of my powers expires at the end of December, 2021, and I finish the work as the head of the city district Revda. I do not go on the second term of office as to me the offer on work in other sphere arrived, and I accepted itThe term of my powers expires at the end of December, 2021, and I finish the work as the head of the city district Revda. I do not go on the second term of office as to me the offer on work in other sphere arrived, and I accepted it11/26/2021Irina TeyshevaFunds will be allocated for reconstruction of North Volchanskogo of water intaking knot, and also for implementation of concession agreements in the municipal sphere in Revda, Forest and the Bottom Tura11/10/2022Yevgeny KuyvashevFunds will be allocated for reconstruction of North Volchanskogo of water intaking knot, and also for implementation of concession agreements in the municipal sphere in Revda, Forest and the Bottom TuraFunds will be allocated for reconstruction of North Volchanskogo of water intaking knot, and also for implementation of concession agreements in the municipal sphere in Revda, Forest and the Bottom Tura11/3/2022Yevgeny KuyvashevThe term of my powers expires at the end of December, 2021, and I finish the work as the head of the city district Revda. I do not go on the second term of office as to me the offer on work in other sphere arrived, and I accepted itThe term of my powers expires at the end of December, 2021, and I finish the work as the head of the city district Revda. I do not go on the second term of office as to me the offer on work in other sphere arrived, and I accepted it11/26/2021Irina Teysheva123167Region News+39 last weekHead since 2017Irina Teysheva0Media ScoreHead since 2017Irina Teysheva291years oldDate of establishmentSeptember 1, 17349:35:18 PMGMT+566RUS+734397Dialing code278Connections+74 last weekPopulation61 533NewsConnections Tree
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