"Plane" buys the land of LLC "Urban-Grupp" in the Odintsovo district

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The structure of the developer companies "Plane" - LLC "SAMOLET-REZERV-2" - became the only participant of auctions on sale more than 33 hectares of the earth of the Laikowo project of the bankrupt builder of LLC "Urban-Grupp", reports information agency "RIA Novosti" with reference to protocol auctions. In documents it is specified that LLC "FLAGMAN ESTATE" held auctions at the request of competitive operating LLC "Ivastroy" (structure of LLC "Urban-Grupp") Svetlana Aglinishkene. The initial price lots which entered ten land plots in the Odintsovo district (in Laikowo's village and near it) with a total area more than 33 hectares, made...