The Lyubertsy deputy Pavel Aslanbekovich Sofyin made the choice

@Ljuberetskaja panorama
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Lyubertsy. On September 19 INLUBERTSY.RU - the Deputy, the champion, the director of CHILDREN AND YOUTH SPORTS SCHOOL the Olympic reserve Pavel Aslanbekovich Sofyin voted in a gymnasium N 41, the Lyubertsy panorama reports. "Each citizen, each not indifferent resident of Lyubertsy, in my opinion, has to give the vote for the deputies best, in his opinion. Voting, we choose the future, future our children. Unless something can be more important? ", - Pavel Aslanbekovich Sofyin told. According to him "it is very important to care about health of children from the earliest age and to accustom them to exercises and sports. "In our district a lot of things become for...