The Sverdlovsk deputy murderer can remain unpunished

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Consideration is postponed appeals for the solution of the Serov regional vessels on the case of unpremeditated murder of the person by the deputy Legislative assembly of Sverdlovsk region from Liberal Democratic Party of Russia Korkin Alexander postponed for September 2. As reported Russian information company "URA.Ru" in the press service of vessels, the parliamentarian directed the petition for transfer in connection with an illness. Native Sergei Pavlovich Titov suspect the killed businessman that process is dragged out consciously...
Igor Toroshchin
Last position: Deputy, Member of the committee on economic policy, industry, the innovative development and entrepreneurship, vice-chairman of the commission on legal support of development of the organizations of defense industry complex of the Russian Federation (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Korkin Alexander
Zhabrikov Vladimir
Zhikin Dimitri