Karpinsk Sverdlovsk region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreThe imparted employees are among, including, the head of the city district Karpinsk and chiefs of departmentsThe imparted employees are among, including, the head of the city district Karpinsk and chiefs of departments11/1/2021Andrey Alekseevich KlopovThe Skeletirovanny body of the person is revealed fishermen in the afternoon on September 14. On clothes it is identified previously as the missing person in July, 2021 the 42-year-old inhabitant of Karpinsk9/15/2023Valery Nikolaevich GorelykhThe imparted employees are among, including, the head of the city district Karpinsk and chiefs of departmentsThe imparted employees are among, including, the head of the city district Karpinsk and chiefs of departments11/1/2021Andrey Alekseevich KlopovThe Skeletirovanny body of the person is revealed fishermen in the afternoon on September 14. On clothes it is identified previously as the missing person in July, 2021 the 42-year-old inhabitant of Karpinsk9/15/2023Valery Nikolaevich GorelykhThe imparted employees are among, including, the head of the city district Karpinsk and chiefs of departmentsThe imparted employees are among, including, the head of the city district Karpinsk and chiefs of departments11/1/2021Andrey Alekseevich Klopov12169Region News+61 last weekHead since 2015Andrey Alekseevich Klopov0Media ScoreHead since 2015Andrey Alekseevich Klopov9:46:51 AMGMT+566RUS+734383Dialing code179Connections+76 last weekPopulation25 937NewsConnections Tree
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Social policyУченики школ №5 и №6 провели на улицах акцию ко Дню материEvening KarpinskYesterday at 2:50 PMGeography26 secSocial policyЗа строительство новогоднего городка 2025 будет отвечать Александр БондаренкоEvening KarpinskYesterday at 12:00 PMPeopleGeography35 secEducationВ Карпинске прошел конкурс эстрадного творчества, где выступили почти полторы сотни детейEvening KarpinskYesterday at 10:45 AMPeopleCompaniesGeographyProducts35 secAccidentsОрганизована проверка по сообщениям об избиении школьницы в туалете в ВолчанскеMK.RU YekaterinburgYesterday at 9:35 AMPeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia49 secHousing and Utility Sector27 ноября в Карпинске запланировано полное отключение водыEvening KarpinskYesterday at 9:30 AMGeographyProducts16 secAccidentsДевочки жестоко избили шестиклассницу в свердловской школе. ВидеоRussian information agency "Ura.Ru"Yesterday at 9:27 AMPeopleGeographyMediaProducts40 sec
Trending OrganizationsMost discussed today85PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "VYMPELKOM"Rating: 22-26Mention frequency22-26ConnectionsOrganizations399Places185People124Technologies85Events77Laws9
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