Ahead of schedule: as Zabaykalsky Territory is restored after a strong high water

@GTRK Chita
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Movement on one way on the railway bridge through Ared's river on the Transbaikal iron road is opened. Stage Kuenga Ukurey, we will remind, it was closed on July 23 because of bridge footing washout after a plentiful precipitation. About 12 o'clock in the morning the first, after the decision of the management of Open joint-stock company "Rossiyskiye zheleznyye dorogi", on the bridge there passed the passenger train "11 Vladivostok-Samara". On the Trans-Siberian Railway site between stations of Kuenga and Ukurey round the clock boils work. Areda Bridge destroyed by a rough stream of earlier quiet river, it is necessary to build anew. Gennady Verkhovykh, the deputy director generals - the chief of the central management...
Alexander Mikhaylovich Osipov
Last position: Governor (Government of the Zabaykalsky Territory)
Gennady Verkhovykh
Last position: Senior vice-president, chief of the Central management of infrastructure (JSC "RZHD")
Aleksey Zakurdaev
Last position: Head (Administration of the municipal district Sretensk of the Zabaykalsky Territory)
Skachkov Alexander
Lyashenko Vladimir
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