Sretensk district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreNow we collect information on a skill level, on experience, on an experience of all dismissed employees. Let's make further the decision on their employment both in the territory of the Sretensky area, and in nextNow we collect information on a skill level, on experience, on an experience of all dismissed employees. Let's make further the decision on their employment both in the territory of the Sretensky area, and in next10/18/2021Alexander BardaleevAleksandrovo-Zavodsky, Baleysky, Kalgan, Krasnochikoysky, Olovyanninsky, Onon, Sretensky, Hiloksky and Chernyshevsky areas caused a stir and carried out much more fairs, than planned12/19/2022Alexander BardaleevNow we collect information on a skill level, on experience, on an experience of all dismissed employees. Let's make further the decision on their employment both in the territory of the Sretensky area, and in nextNow we collect information on a skill level, on experience, on an experience of all dismissed employees. Let's make further the decision on their employment both in the territory of the Sretensky area, and in next10/18/2021Alexander BardaleevAleksandrovo-Zavodsky, Baleysky, Kalgan, Krasnochikoysky, Olovyanninsky, Onon, Sretensky, Hiloksky and Chernyshevsky areas caused a stir and carried out much more fairs, than planned12/19/2022Alexander BardaleevNow we collect information on a skill level, on experience, on an experience of all dismissed employees. Let's make further the decision on their employment both in the territory of the Sretensky area, and in nextNow we collect information on a skill level, on experience, on an experience of all dismissed employees. Let's make further the decision on their employment both in the territory of the Sretensky area, and in next10/18/2021Alexander Bardaleev1232Region News+8 last weekHead since 2017Aleksey Zakurdaev0Media ScoreHead since 2017Aleksey Zakurdaev2:03:21 AMGMT+975RUS+7 30246Dialing code92Connections+49 last weekPopulation21 793NewsConnections Tree
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