JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ALFA-BANK" headed a ranking of organizers of debut issues of corporate bonds from information agency "Cbonds"

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JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ALFA-BANK" headed a ranking of organizers of debut issues of corporate bonds Russian Federation from information agency "Cbonds". Debut it is considered the first release issuers in bond market. Following the results of 6 months 2021 JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ALFA-BANK" organized placement of four such releases for total amount of 7,3 billion rubles. Clients banks steel "Borjomi Finance", "MV Finance", JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "STM" and "restor". "The organization of debut issues of bonds NON-COMMERCIAL HORTICULTURAL ASSOCIATION "SOYUZ ARKHITEKTOROV" one of accents of work of our team in the debt market. Market revival after a pandemic gave the chance to us to participate in placement of several sign transactions. We...