Ter-Petrosyan Levon: Serzh Sargsyan had to sign "Lavrov's plan"

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According to the ex-president Armenia, the country has to recognize the Soviet borders as the international community represented by United Nations recognized independence of the former Soviet republics and here nothing can be changed. To Armenia still someone is capable to think and understand sensibly that extreme policy of the Armenian chauvinism – a way to a chasm. The first president Armenia Ter-Petrosyan Levon held press conference where stated a number of the sane...
Nikol Vovaevich Pashinyan
Main activity:Politician
Serzh Sargsyan
Last position: President (Federation of chess Armenia)
Robert Kocharyan
Last position: Leader (Alliance "Armenia")
Arkady Gukasyan
Last position: Special envoy of the president (Device of President of Republic Armenia)
Alexander Arzumanyan
Last position: Ambassador (Embassy Republics Armenia in Kingdom Sweden)