Day of Russia: as celebrate a holiday in the capital and regions — translation

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On June 12 in the country the state holiday Day of Russia is celebrated. Till 2002 it was called Day of adoption of the declaration on the state sovereignty Russian Federation. The history of a holiday goes of June 12, 1990 when the first congress of People's Deputies Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic the Declaration on the state sovereignty Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic was adopted. Holiday on June 12 to Russian Federation became in 1992. Traditionally this day President of the Russian Federation in the Kremlin hands over the state awards. In Moscow and other cities of the country pass festive actions. All news about preparation and celebration of Day of Russia in 2021 — in translation...
Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
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Alexander Lukashenko
Last position: President of Republic of Belarus (President of the Republic Belarus)
Sergey Sobyanin
Last position: Mayor (Moscow Government)
Denise Pasler
Last position: Governor (Government of the Orenburg region)
Igor Ivanovich Kobzev
Last position: Governor of the Irkutsk region
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