Ministries of Internal Affairs perform the operation "arasora-2021"

@Delovoj Kazahstan
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Ministries of Internal Affairs perform operation "arasora-2021 ″, transfers newspaper "Delovoy Kazakhstan". In of Shue Province of Jambyl took place opening of large-scale operation "arasora-2021 ″. Ministries of Internal Affairs Tlegen Matkenov are held by the head of the department of counteraction of narcocrime a briefing with heads of divisions on counteraction of narcocrime of regions of the country, representatives of National guard, local executive bodies, and also the managements of Department of police of area. During "arasor" T. Matkenovymoboznachena's meeting of the purpose of quick and preventive action also are defined...
Tlegen Matkenov
Last position: Head of the department of narcocrime counteraction (Ministry internal affairs of Republic of Kazakhstan)