Школьникам села Мариинск подарили комплект шахмат от чемпиона мира Анатолия Карпова

В разработке комплекта участвовали талантливые дизайнеры и специалисты по истории...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Revda-info.ru» , more details in our Terms of Service
Anatoly Karpov
Last position: Vice-chairman (Committee State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for nationalities)
Михаил Витальевич Улыбин
Last position: The professional athlete on chess
Magnus Carlsen (Magnus Carlsen)
Last position: The professional athlete on chess
Ian Aleksandrovich Nepomnyashchy
Last position: The professional athlete on chess
Chernogolov Igor