Mariinsk Kemerovo region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreThe road became very important object for inhabitants of Mariinsk. We built it for three years. It was the heavy project, but for us essentially important, because it first of all safety of inhabitants and improvement of transport connectionThe road became very important object for inhabitants of Mariinsk. We built it for three years. It was the heavy project, but for us essentially important, because it first of all safety of inhabitants and improvement of transport connection11/17/2021Sergey TsivilevThe road became very important object for inhabitants of Mariinsk. We built it for three years. It was the heavy project, but for us essentially important, because it first of all safety of inhabitants and improvement of transport connection11/18/2021Sergey TsivilevThe road became very important object for inhabitants of Mariinsk. We built it for three years. It was the heavy project, but for us essentially important, because it first of all safety of inhabitants and improvement of transport connectionThe road became very important object for inhabitants of Mariinsk. We built it for three years. It was the heavy project, but for us essentially important, because it first of all safety of inhabitants and improvement of transport connection11/17/2021Sergey TsivilevThe road became very important object for inhabitants of Mariinsk. We built it for three years. It was the heavy project, but for us essentially important, because it first of all safety of inhabitants and improvement of transport connection11/18/2021Sergey TsivilevThe road became very important object for inhabitants of Mariinsk. We built it for three years. It was the heavy project, but for us essentially important, because it first of all safety of inhabitants and improvement of transport connectionThe road became very important object for inhabitants of Mariinsk. We built it for three years. It was the heavy project, but for us essentially important, because it first of all safety of inhabitants and improvement of transport connection11/17/2021Sergey Tsivilev1276Region News+23 last weekHead of the city settlement since 2019Vasilii Aleksandrovich Bryuzgin0Media ScoreHead of the city settlement since 2019Vasilii Aleksandrovich Bryuzgin169years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 18567:05:11 PMGMT+742RUS+738443Dialing code155Connections+71 last weekPopulation38 209NewsConnections Tree
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