09:32 In Kyrgyzstan deputies demand dismissals the Minister of Health. The president Sadyr Nurgozhoevich Zhaparov acted in his protection

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According to Sadyr Nurgozhoevich Zhaparov, chapter Minzdrav well performs the work. The president Sadyr Nurgozhoevich Zhaparov spoke out in defense of the Minister of Health Alymkadyr Sabirdinovich Beyshenaliev, dismissals which demand deputies after statements for treatment Koronavirus broth of an Issyk kul root (akonity). reports information agency "AKIpress". In interview to agency the president declared that Beyshenaliyev very well performs the work. "Deputies speak: "We will remove it, it does not work". But actually it well works, – Sadyr Nurgozhoevich Zhaparov told. – He is a doctor, professor, all the life protrudilsya in this sphere. Lexicon at it...