Housing and communal services workers the Znaursky area South Ossetia eliminate bad weather consequences

@IA "Res"
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News Bad weather at the beginning of spring caused a loss to villages of the Znaursky area South Ossetia. As reported information agency "Res" in the press service of regional administration, as a result of pouring rains the road message with villages Balta, Tsnelis, Gvirgvina, Kalety and Lopan worsened. "Roads washed away, the loss was caused also to bridges. Movement on them was represented impossible. For elimination of consequences the equipment of administration" is involved, - told in the press service. There noted that the new head of administration Siukaev Oleg visited the most problem sites and assured that the regional authorities will start the solution of the actual...
Siukaev Oleg
Pliev Lavrik