Tskhinvali Country: South OssetiaViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreExactly 15 years ago Russia resolutely answered mean attack to Tskhinvali, rejected rigid pressure of an aggressor. Behind the back of the silly person Saakashvili there was a collective West which already then sought to shake a situationExactly 15 years ago Russia resolutely answered mean attack to Tskhinvali, rejected rigid pressure of an aggressor. Behind the back of the silly person Saakashvili there was a collective West which already then sought to shake a situation8/8/2023Dmitry MedvedevDefenders of Tskhinvali died in the last ditch. Their courage buried calculation of the Georgian commanders on fast success. However after continuous fights our forces were on an outcome8/8/2023Alan GagloevExactly 15 years ago Russia resolutely answered mean attack to Tskhinvali, rejected rigid pressure of an aggressor. Behind the back of the silly person Saakashvili there was a collective West which already then sought to shake a situationExactly 15 years ago Russia resolutely answered mean attack to Tskhinvali, rejected rigid pressure of an aggressor. Behind the back of the silly person Saakashvili there was a collective West which already then sought to shake a situation8/8/2023Dmitry MedvedevDefenders of Tskhinvali died in the last ditch. Their courage buried calculation of the Georgian commanders on fast success. However after continuous fights our forces were on an outcome8/8/2023Alan GagloevExactly 15 years ago Russia resolutely answered mean attack to Tskhinvali, rejected rigid pressure of an aggressor. Behind the back of the silly person Saakashvili there was a collective West which already then sought to shake a situationExactly 15 years ago Russia resolutely answered mean attack to Tskhinvali, rejected rigid pressure of an aggressor. Behind the back of the silly person Saakashvili there was a collective West which already then sought to shake a situation8/8/2023Dmitry Medvedev12139Region News+21 last weekAlan Alborov0Media ScoreAlan Alborov102years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 1922799744, 995344Dialing code385Connections+115 last weekPopulation30 456NewsConnections Tree
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