Canadian readers: the Russian figure skaters took all pedestal? It is necessary to check the bank account of judges! (CBC)
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Reaction of the Canadian readers to a victory of our figure skaters in the championship in Stockholm it is predictable it is multi-color: from admiration to rage. Admiration causes how these yesterday's children are capable to show such high quality, spectacular sports. The rage begins when readers try to put the championship in a context of that heard about Russian Federation from the mass media. The women's national team Russian Federation once again confirmed the superiority in figure skating, having won all podium in single driving. The triple champion of the country  Anna Shcherbakov by whom on Sunday it is executed 17, won gold in...
Alexandra Trusova
Last position: The professional athlete on figure skating
 Anna Shcherbakova
Last position: The professional athlete on figure skating
Elizabeth Tuktamysheva
Last position: The professional athlete on figure skating
Vilf Alexander