Alexandra Trusova Last position: The professional athlete on figure skatingViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShare0Media ScoreCertainly, spoke literally. People are not guilty, they consider that supported... The only thing, I asked. To me wanted to make a medal as allocate to you, but I asked not to do it. At once told mother, mother transferred... The medal] is necessary noCertainly, spoke literally. People are not guilty, they consider that supported... The only thing, I asked. To me wanted to make a medal as allocate to you, but I asked not to do it. At once told mother, mother transferred... The medal] is necessary no11/28/2023RT in RussianI begin repair in the apartment! I yet had no such experience therefore everything is very unclear, but it is very interesting! By the way, I will be glad to your councils for a subject in comments12/16/2023Sport ExpressCertainly, spoke literally. People are not guilty, they consider that supported... The only thing, I asked. To me wanted to make a medal as allocate to you, but I asked not to do it. At once told mother, mother transferred... The medal] is necessary noCertainly, spoke literally. People are not guilty, they consider that supported... The only thing, I asked. To me wanted to make a medal as allocate to you, but I asked not to do it. At once told mother, mother transferred... The medal] is necessary no11/28/2023RT in RussianI begin repair in the apartment! I yet had no such experience therefore everything is very unclear, but it is very interesting! By the way, I will be glad to your councils for a subject in comments12/16/2023Sport ExpressCertainly, spoke literally. People are not guilty, they consider that supported... The only thing, I asked. To me wanted to make a medal as allocate to you, but I asked not to do it. At once told mother, mother transferred... The medal] is necessary noCertainly, spoke literally. People are not guilty, they consider that supported... The only thing, I asked. To me wanted to make a medal as allocate to you, but I asked not to do it. At once told mother, mother transferred... The medal] is necessary no11/28/2023RT in Russian12177Related events+56 last week0Media Score250Rank position20years oldBornJune 23, 2004RyazanRelationship status: She is not married245Connections+51 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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