Dangerous surprises of weather to Russian Federation and the world – translation

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Avalanches, blizzards, high waters — the end of March, 2021 to Russian Federation is accompanied weather by the phenomena which can do notable harm to infrastructure and life of people. Over the country pass at once four cyclone and an anti-cyclone. By data Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergency Situations and the Relief of Natural Disasters are probability "the incidents connected with violation of life support systems of the population, with rushes of communication lines and electricity transmissions, difficulty of movement of transport". Far Eastern Federal District faced a sleet, a blizzard and ice, the Caucasus — a strong precipitation, a hail and avalanches. Regions Russian Federation prepare for high waters, which, after...
Roman Mendelevich Vilfand
Last position: Research supervisor (Federal state-financed institution "Hydrometeorological center Russia")
Alexander Kozlov
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation)
Eugenie Tishkovets
Last position: Leading expert (LLC "Center Fobos")
Victor Petrovich Tomenko
Last position: Governor (Administration of the Altai Territory)
Anatoly Lokot
Last position: Mayor (City Administration of Novosibirsk city)