China increases the income of needy inhabitants thanks to development ecology

@Delovoj Kazahstan
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The female forester Yuykhua Li from Gunshan-Dulun-Nuskogo of the autonomous district of Province of Yunnan in the southwest China in a camouflage moves ahead among the wood at the river Dulongqiang. Li Yukhua especially values the work of the forester. "I receive 800 yuans a month as subsidies, and still I am engaged in forestry and I manage to care of a family. My life is full now of great expectations" — it shared. Besides protection of the wood, the woman grows up fruit and the Chinese curative herbs and breeds bees. In 2020 its income exceeded 100 thousand yuans. In Gongshan district more than 4000 foresters, such as Yuykhua Li, settled on...