Province of Jiangxi Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowThe project on creation of a recreational zone near the lake Poyan in the Province of Jiangxi with houses from the Perm wood is of special interest. Forest potential at Perm Krai the really highThe project on creation of a recreational zone near the lake Poyan in the Province of Jiangxi with houses from the Perm wood is of special interest. Forest potential at Perm Krai the really high9/26/2018Maxime ReshetnikovWe hold not the first meeting with representatives of the Province of Jiangxi and today we can discuss in detail questions of bilateral character which represent for us mutual interest5/15/2019Valery Aleksandrovich SukhikhThe project on creation of a recreational zone near the lake Poyan in the Province of Jiangxi with houses from the Perm wood is of special interest. Forest potential at Perm Krai the really highThe project on creation of a recreational zone near the lake Poyan in the Province of Jiangxi with houses from the Perm wood is of special interest. Forest potential at Perm Krai the really high9/26/2018Maxime ReshetnikovWe hold not the first meeting with representatives of the Province of Jiangxi and today we can discuss in detail questions of bilateral character which represent for us mutual interest5/15/2019Valery Aleksandrovich SukhikhThe project on creation of a recreational zone near the lake Poyan in the Province of Jiangxi with houses from the Perm wood is of special interest. Forest potential at Perm Krai the really highThe project on creation of a recreational zone near the lake Poyan in the Province of Jiangxi with houses from the Perm wood is of special interest. Forest potential at Perm Krai the really high9/26/2018Maxime Reshetnikov1232Region News+12 last weekJuan ChzhitsyuanMedia Score: LowJuan Chzhitsyuan3:35:38 AMGMT+8+867Dialing code116Connections+69 last weekPopulation44 567 475NewsConnections Tree
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