In Municipality of Ogre height of snow cover grew to a half a meter

@Russkaja obschina Estonii
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By data from meteorological observation stations, the thickest snow cover was formed in Liyelpechi Municipality of Ogre where its height reached 50 centimeters.  the illustrative photo, LETA As reports the Latvian center of environment, geology and meteorology, it is the deepest snow registered by the state meteorological stations since January, 2016 when snow of 51 centimeter in depth lay in Irbena of Municipality of Ventspils. The snow cover second for thickness makes 34 centimeters in Skriveri, it is followed by Sigulda and Alūksne with 31 centimeters. Least of all snow on the Kurzemsky coast — in Rutsava, Liepāja...