Liepāja Country: LatviaViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowLatvia reduces diplomatic relations with the Russian Federation, closing consulate generals in Daugavpils and Liyepaye and sending 13 diplomats and employeesLatvia reduces diplomatic relations with the Russian Federation, closing consulate generals in Daugavpils and Liyepaye and sending 13 diplomats and employees4/8/2022Edgar RinkevichI so understand, players from Russia and Belarus cannot act in Liyepaye? And I did not receive letters about it in advance6/24/2022Natalia VikhlyantsevaLatvia reduces diplomatic relations with the Russian Federation, closing consulate generals in Daugavpils and Liyepaye and sending 13 diplomats and employeesLatvia reduces diplomatic relations with the Russian Federation, closing consulate generals in Daugavpils and Liyepaye and sending 13 diplomats and employees4/8/2022Edgar RinkevichI so understand, players from Russia and Belarus cannot act in Liyepaye? And I did not receive letters about it in advance6/24/2022Natalia VikhlyantsevaLatvia reduces diplomatic relations with the Russian Federation, closing consulate generals in Daugavpils and Liyepaye and sending 13 diplomats and employeesLatvia reduces diplomatic relations with the Russian Federation, closing consulate generals in Daugavpils and Liyepaye and sending 13 diplomats and employees4/8/2022Edgar Rinkevich1213Region News+3 last weekMedia Score: Low399years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 1625+371Dialing code62Connections+16 last weekPopulation82 386NewsConnections Tree
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