The son of the ex-head Vyborg is dismissed from Government of the Leningrad region. His father accuse of plunder one and a half billions from treasury

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From Government of the Leningrad region Aleksey Orlov dismissed the head of committee of youth policy. About it on December 24 reported in the official telegram-channel of Administration regiona. In the message it is specified that Aleksey Orlov it is dismissed "because of the expiration contracts". He headed youth committee since April, 2018. Competition on replacement of a position is appointed to December 25, on it 27 applicants were declared, writes 47news. According to the edition, the most perspective candidate is the first deputy of committee on development small businesses Tolmacheva Anastasiya. Aleksey Orlov — the son of the ex-head of administration...
Aleksey Orlov
Main activity:Official
Gennady Alekseevich Orlov
Main activity:Official
Tolmacheva Anastasiya
Boluchevsky Alexander
Petrov Alexander
Administration regiona
Government Agency