Anferni Kharduey: "Uayzmen James reminds me Bosh Chris"
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The former star of NBA, the trainer Memphis Anferni Kharduey shared the opinion on the candidate for a choice in Top-3 of a draft-2020 Uayzmen James. "The moments Uayzmen James reminds me of Bosh Chris. I know that the majority see it as stretching player. But when I see it, I see much in common with Bosh Chris. But he much more atletichny", – declared Harduey. Insiders report that "Golden Steyt" are interested in Uayzmen James and "State of Minnesota...
Anferni Deon Kharduey
Last position: Head coach (Independent noncommercial organization "Angelovo-sport")
Uayzmen James
Bosh Chris