PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSTELECOM" installed thermal imagers in Southern Uralsk the state medical university

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Future South Ural doctors pass now daily control body temperatures at an entrance to building the Alma Mater at helps high-precision thermal imagers. Leading infrastructure provider of the country - PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSTELECOM" - put the complex solution of contactless measurement of body temperature with help thermovision surveillance cameras in the Southern Ural state medical university. To Chelyabinsk Region this first higher educational institution, using in the activity the advanced measures of safety of health of students and employees, is reported by the PAO Chelyabinsk branch press service...
Ilya Volchegorsky
Last position: Organizer, head of a cycle of priority kliniko-pharmacological researches (FGBOU VO TO YUUGM OF MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
Sergeev Mikhail
PJSC Rostelecom
Main activity:Operations with real estate, rent and other services