Conference "United States of America – Latin America – Russian Federation: the agenda of constructive cooperation during an era of post-COVID-19". Speakers

@Valdajskij klub
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On August 4 at 18:00 (GMT%2B3) the program director of the Valdai club Yaroslav Lissovolik will take part in interactive conference "United States of America – Latin America – Russian Federation: the agenda of constructive cooperation during an era of post-COVID-19", Russian Federation in Guatemala together with American chamber of commerce in Russia "AmCham", the American-Russian business council, Central American parliament, the Secretariat Central America on economic integrations, the Regional coordinator of economic and social researches Argentina with support of Conference of United Nations on...
Sergei Alekseevich Ryabkov
Last position: Deputy minister (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation)
Yaroslav Lissovolik
Last position: The senior managing director, the chief of analytical management of department of global markets — Sberbank Investment Research (PJSC Sberbank of Russia)
Rodzyanko Alexis