"Bayer" lost to "Gerta" and took off from a zone of UEFA Champions League for round until the end of a season

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"Bayer" ceded to "Gerta" in a match of the 33rd round of the championship Germany — 0:2. "Borussia" from Monchengladbach, overcome "Paderborn" (3:1) used a misfire of leverkuzenets. It allowed command to rise in a zone of UEFA Champions League from which "Bayer" took off. For round until the end of a season the champion ("Bavaria") and one taken-off team ("Paderborn") is already known. In UEFA Champions League Dortmund "Borussia" precisely broke through and de facto — "Leipzig" of which "Bayer" can force out only mathematically (a difference of balls at "bulls" is much bigger). "Wolfsburg" and "Hoffenkhaym", thanks to defeat of "Freiburg"...