Российских хоккеисток оправдали в употреблении допинга. Но МОК все равно отобрал позорное 6-е место на Олимпиаде

Очередное доказательство: допинг в хоккее ни помощник...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «sport24» , more details in our Terms of Service
Denise Oswald
Last position: Head of the disciplinary commission (International Olympic Committee)
Inna Dyubanok
Last position: The professional athlete on hockey of HK "Agidel" (Independent noncommercial organization "XK "Salavat Yulayev")
Catherina Lebedev
Last position: Professional athlete of women's hockey club "Agidel" (Independent noncommercial organization "XK "Salavat Yulayev")
Екатерина Вячеславовна Смоленцева
Last position: The professional athlete on hockey in ice-hockey team of Agidel (Independent noncommercial organization "XK "Salavat Yulayev")
Galina Skiba
Last position: The professional athlete on hockey (Non-commercial partnership "Hockey club "Tornado")