Результат выборов в Польше предрешен: Анджею Дуде доверяют 62% поляков

@Belorusskij partizan
62% поляков доверяют президенту страны Анджею Дуде, 59% премьер-министру Матеушу Моравецкому, 46% министру здравоохранения Лукашу Шумовскому...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Belarusian guerrilla» , more details in our Terms of Service
Andrzej Duda
Last position: President of the Republic of Poland (President of Republic Poland)
Mateush Yakub Moravetsky
Main activity:Official
Lukasz Ian Shumovski
Last position: Deputy of Diet (National assembly Poland)
Jaroslaw Alexander Kachinsky
Last position: Chairman ("Law and Justice")
Zbignev Tadeush Ziobro
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Justice of Republic of Poland)
"Law and Justice"
Political ideology:National conservatism, social conservatism, panjevropeizm, economic nationalism.
"Civic Platform" Party
Political ideology:Conservatism, economic liberalism
Political ideology:Аграризм, христианская демократия