30 years to the Vyborg society plovtsovsegodnya, on August 23, 1936, are executed 30 years to the Vyborg society of swimmers

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The Karjala newspaper, 23 August, 1936 the Basis of the Vyborg society of swimmers "Espilya" gathered on January 03, 1906 in restaurant passionate fans of swimming. Their purpose was to discuss creation in our district of society of swimmers. The desire to create similar society was so strong that at meeting was unanimously decided to organize this special society. At this meeting where the businessman G. Takht presided, the commission was chosen from six people into which misters O. Vyakhter, K. Frank, V. Pyunninen, U. Haggman, R. Becker and D. Hyagkvist entered. The commission was given an assignment, to prepare...
Beker R.
Andersson Y.
Ulberg U.
Tolonen A.
Freeman Yukho