Она танцует с Лукашенко, пока ее муж сидит дома. История Полины Шубы

Первый их совместный танец произошел десять лет назад, а знакомы они еще дольше...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «ex-Press.by — News of Belarus» , more details in our Terms of Service
Alexander Lukashenko
Last position: President of Republic of Belarus (President of the Republic Belarus)
Ksenia Sobchak
Main activity:Public figure
Sergei Teterin
Last position: Head of the city settlement (Administration of the municipal entity Luza urban settlement of the Luza district of the Kirov region)
Victor Aleksandrovich Lukashenko
Last position: President (NOK Belarus)
Pyotr Listerman
Main activity:Show business personality