The SOVIET BOXERS IN the URALS. We support Eugenie Tishchenko on "the MATCH! Fighter"

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Yevdokimov Igor the Observer of Tricolor TV Mag B Yekaterinburg again big boxing and is a lot of title fights: in the majority of them we will see heroes well familiar to us. The Olympic champion Eugenie Tishchenko will battle for an inter-continental belt of World boxing institution to the Kazakh Isa Akberbaev, and the Tajik fighter Mukhammadkhucha Yakubov will fight with the Mexican Montoyya Abrakham. MUHAMMADHUChA YAKUBOV (Tajikistan) – Montoyya Abrakham (Mexico) Eugenie Tishchenko (Russian Federation) – IZA ACBERBAEV (Kazakhstan) on November 2, 2019, "Academy of single combats of RMK", Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation a live broadcast on TV channel "the MATCH! Fighter" at 15:00...