The resident of Sverdlovsk Mark Urvanov won against the ex-world champion star fight Alvarado Renee

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Sverdlovsk Region, on November 21, LLC "FederalPress". In Yekaterinburg passed fight in semi-lightweight between the Ural resident Mark Urvanov and the ex-world champion Alvarado Renee. In heavy opposition the victory was snatched out by the resident of Sverdlovsk, told in LLC "RMK BOKSING PROMOTION". "It is a big victory. It there was a wish to be cut, but I was afraid to risk. Rasperezhivalsya it is a little. Certainly, could add boxing, but then blows would be passed. It is sure if I so proved to be somewhere abroad, judges too would give a victory to me", – Mark Urvanov shared impressions after fight. Boxing between the Russian and the Nicaraguan...