The men's national team Russian Federation with the first result reached the final of the World Cup in krolevy relay of 4kh200 m

@Ves' Sport
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Today, on December 14, to Hangzhou (China) passes the fourth day of the World Cup in swimming in short water. The men's national team Russian Federation (Mikhail Dovgalyuk, Yvan Aleksandrovich Girev, Wladyslaw Grinev, Alexander Krasnykh) with the first result reached the final in krolevy relay of 4kh200 m (6.51,17). In relay of 4kh50 m the national team Russian Federation (Kliment Kolesnikov, Kuzmenko Yvan, Sedov Eugenie, Fesikov Sergei) reached the final of the second (1.24,18) after Italians (1.24,10). About it reports Agency "All sports"...