The ex-ambassador of United States of America in Kazakhstan: I will miss taste of shubat and the yurta

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George Albert Krol wrote down video in which thanked Kazakhstan citizens for openness and hospitality

Astana, 18 Sep — Sputnik. George Albert Krol, finished diplomatic service as the ambassador of United States of America in Kazakhstan, wrote down touching video.

George Albert Krol addressed to inhabitants of the country in the Kazakh language and expressed gratitude for openness and hospitality which was shown from the moment of its arrival in Kazakhstan more than three years ago.


told that will not forget that feeling of the full pacification tested during visit of an underground mosque of Beket-At and a shrine of Shopan-At, and also will eternally store in heart of reminiscence of Tien Shan and boundless steppes Kazakhstan.

the Diplomat regrets only that could not see more sights of the country and meet many Kazakhstan citizens. On it the whole life would leave, he told.

Saying goodbye to Kazakhstan citizens, George Albert Krol added that will miss sounds dombry and kobyza, the, and also refreshing taste of shubat which became its daily drink.

But most of all it will miss the people — great, strong and multinational. People do Kazakhstan special, is sure by George Albert Krol.

Kazakhstan citizens in comments thanked George Albert Krol for warm words and 28 Apr, 2018 in 9:41 PDT

wished success in further rabote.

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George Albert Krol worked over strengthening and expansion of the relations between Kazakhstan and, learned the Kazakh language, tried on on itself traditional chapan and Kara zhorga" danced".