The ambassador of United States of America devoted to Astana the poem in the Kazakh language

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the capital diplomats from United States of America, United Kingdom and Germany wished Happy birthday.

the Ambassador of United States of America in Kazakhstan George Albert Krol read verses in the Kazakh language, devoted to the capital. Video published embassy of States.

Walking round the main sights of the capital, the ambassador notes that worked in many capitals of the world, but recognizes that that Astana – one of the most beautiful cities.

George Albert Krol showed to

the favourite place in Astana – the square in front of the Palace of Peace and Reconciliation.

"Me very much it is pleasant to

. It is similar to the capital of United States of America, Washington D.C.. But safer. Very beautiful and modern city", – is told by George Albert Krol on video inhabitants of the Kazakhstan capital.


the congratulations to Astana were addressed also by the British ambassador Gifford Mike.

" Astana – the delightful city with tremendous architecture. I am very glad to that many Kazakhstan citizens go to study to United Kingdom, and having returned, the capitals and the countries" make a contribution to development, – he noted, having wished all good days off.

the Ambassador Germany Rolf Mafael in the congratulation told that in the world there are a lot of cities which quickly grow, but at all there are a lot of megalopolises which grow integrally. In Astana appear both business centers, and parks, the transport infrastructure develops.

"I wish

to Astana in the future of progress, first of all, in development as the leading financial and consultative center in the Euroasian region", – he concluded.

Astana today, on July 6, celebrates the 20 anniversary. Nursultan Nazarbayev thanked Kazakhstan citizens for participation in formation Astana