"Smallpox of monkeys": In United Kingdom the first case after 33 states of the world is registered

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the Rare virus infection is dangerous to the person and reached Royal Navy in County of Cornwall from London where arrived infected of Nigeria.

In United Kingdom registered the first case after 33 states of the world. The Nigerian naval officer who arrived to United Kingdom to take part in doctrines of the Ministry of Defence (MD) on the basis of Royal Navy in County of Cornwall, was infected with a dreadful disease – smallpox of monkeys. It took off from Nigeria where as believe, caught this illness, to London commercial flight to the past weekend. The public Health care England (PHE) contacted passengers of the plane who sat near the person to warn them that they were affected by an infection. According to him, the risk for the general public is considered very low, but remains probable. At the Nigerian naval officer virus symptoms mortality from which makes from one to ten percent started being shown. After diagnosis confirmation the patient was transferred to infectious office of Royal free hospitals in London. It was in a stable state. Let's remind that smallpox of monkeys - the rare virus infection similar to smallpox, but not so deadly.

the Virus does not extend easily between people, but can be transferred through close contact. "The public Health care England watches those who had close contact with the patient to give advice and to control them as required. Experts have well debugged and reliable procedures infectious controls for fight against cases of the imported infectious diseases, and they will be strictly observed to minimize risk of transfer", - is spoken in the official statement. Early symptoms of an infection of smallpox of monkeys include high temperature, strong headaches, a back pains and muscular pains, emphasize in WHO (WHO). After fever stops, patients test "the period of eruption of skin" - where rashes develop on all body. Educations can become crackling and "disappear" from skin approximately in 10 days.

To Networks are written by many eyewitnesses about this illness.

"I did not want to publish article about it on the 1st, but with its fast distribution on 11 states from 33 states already there is a serious need of increase of awareness on it. Smallpox of monkeys is transmitted when the person comes into contact with the infected animal, either the person, or the polluted material. The same as news about the Ebola, smallpox of monkeys here, and it extends very quickly, considering the cases registered in 11 States, including Akwa Ibom, State of Bayelsa, Lagos, State of Enugu, Rivers and now Abudzha. Though it is not so deadly as the Ebola, but believe me, it not an illness to ignore as there is no concrete preparation for its treatment and there is no concrete vaccine for it now, even a smallpox vaccine, are hardly available right now. Therefore actually, acceptance of all measures for prevention of it is it a rescue way. Avoid contact with a sick or dead animal, especially what can have a virus, such as a monkey, a squirrel, huge rats and some other rodents. Always wash hands with soap and water, especially when you come into contact with sick people or a sick animal or their allocations. Avoid the use of incorrectly prepared meat. Do not try to apply self-treatment, it is worth visiting nearby hospital as soon as possible when you noticed grippopodobny symptoms with skin rash on a face, a palm and soles", - the user in social networks writes.

Proceeding from it, becomes obvious that smallpox of monkeys not simply invention, and real danger from which it is possible to save itself thanks to the correct prevention.