Spanish newspaper "El Pais" (Spain): As the civilization affected life of Indians
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Indians of Peru to © AP Photo, Karel Navarro
About this dramatic history about the isolated Indian tribes are told by "El Pais". Even now, in the XXI century, to them there are tragic and sad events. Now it is hard to say that is the reason of frequent diseases of Indians. But that it is possible to tell precisely, so it that the first contact with "civilization" forever changed their life and health.
Ramiro Escobar La Cruz (Ramiro Escobar La Cruz)

"Spirit of strangers kills" — Antonio Sueyo from height of the 89 years speaks. The first 25 of them passed in an impassable selva, in never-ending skirmishes with neighbors, among its native tribe arakmbut, Peru. For all this time he did not see any city dweller or the city in the basin of Amazon. Was quietly, he speaks, and all its pacified look confirms these words.

his Son, Hector, studied and at school, and at university, and now translates words of the father hardly speaking Spanish. Antonio in excitement hotly gesticulates and expresses on the little clear dialect, short phrases which thus speak about his savoir vivre. "Once I ate fish and poisoned" — he tells.

that goes down from the sky

Antonio's Spirit was broken by

. He ate the fish known as Prokhilod black (Prochilodus nigricans), and three days was tormented by belly-aches. At that time anybody in its people at all did not know about existence of tablets, and one sorcerer sang over it ritual songs while Antonio squeezed the slobbered dry leaves of tobacco in hands. That you understood — for descriptive reasons Antonio at the same time both tells, and shows.

I he recovered. His savior called Ike, and he did not resemble at all those who in the 1950th years began to arrive by planes, to descend from the sky and to bring, according to Antonio (whom then called Sontone), the evil and extreneity. "It were Dominicans" — Hector translates. Actually intentions of monks were the most noble even if some of them did not know that create.

These envoys of God brought to Indians knifes, frying pans, bread, crackers, candies. The last made the real irreversible revolution in life arakmbutov which were not familiar with sugar and other ingredients of candies, and began to consume them in unreasonable quantities. Since that moment everything irrevocably changed, and once, for the first time in their stories, they saw in human excrements of worms.

On Sontone's memoirs, the first worms were found out by one woman that brought it into a terrible fright. By that moment one of her daughters, Isabel, already conceived a liking for sugar, and shortly died. Now it is hard to say that became the reason — epidemic of a sladkoyedeniye or any other illness. But that it is possible to tell precisely, so it that that first contact with "civilization" forever changed life arakmbutov, their health and food.

Uertas Beatriz, the anthropologist and the specialist in the isolated Indian tribes and their first contact with other people, having heard this history, confirms that integration has to be longer and has to include communicative and cultural aspects. Method of Dominicans "mixtures and groups" when Indians drove to live in reservations, it is extremely dangerous. Emergence of new products — too.

Certainly, they lived not in an earthly paradise (Sontone remembers that his people always were at war with the next tribes), but apparently, they ate better. From the beginning konkist when in 1538 Spaniard Pedro de Candia came, and later missionaries, began unknown before an illness.

David Cook, the historian from Florida international universities, writes about it in the book "Biological a konkist. Diseases in the New World". Measles, smallpox, the Spaniard, bubonic plague were the best weapon of conquistadors in the Andes and Amazonia. Probably, with a course of centuries violence of diseases gradually ceased. But the tragedy proceeded, though already in smaller scale, in the isolated tribes.

the New diet, new immunity

Suddenly Sontone remembers

those times when it freely hunted on tapirs, deer and bakers. These mammals still eat in some parts of Amazonia. For Sontone and his colleagues they were the main food. Fishery was ruinous, so, that the caught big fishes (for example, brown a pacu) used as a bait for harpies.

of These birds of prey caught for the sake of feathers which well went on arrows. In food preferred small fish, for example, one of a species of sardines which called "dasite" and whose caviar was very tasty. Thanks to such diet arakmbuty were strong and even is slightly higher, than other Amazonian people.

can be found the Isolated Indian people to Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Paraguay, Ecuador and Peru. These are the nomadic or semi-nomadic people therefore to determine their number very difficult, but, according to the estimates of experts, to Peru there live about 5 thousand Indians which belong to 10 ethnic groups. In some of them, for example machigenga or naua, the part of a tribe lives in isolation, and the part contacts to other people; in others contact already constant.


witnessed all three stages of life of a tribe and now tells about them. As well as there are a lot of centuries back, the isolated Indians now (and Sontone was that till 25 years) are in conditions of biological vulnerability. Sometimes they die of usual flu against which any city colonist wins already in couple of days. According to doctor Fernando Menlleta who treated Indians, "their immune system — a riddle".

Indigenous Indians can develop immunity against diseases of their wood, but at collision with alien infections they are defenseless, and their organism develops immune functions only after a serious illness. Once Fernando Menlleta noticed that some Indians who have recently come into contact with strangers, suffer from symptoms of any respiratory disease. The doctor thought that the situation will worsen, but unexpectedly in five days the diseased by itself recovered.

the Only possible explanation is that already earlier the virus affected this tribe therefore in organisms of Indians protective mechanisms were developed. But there is it expensive the price. Mendyeta tells that in this case with the diseased it was succeeded to establish dialogue, and it became clear that in one or two years before (the perception of time Indians represents one more problem at contact with them) on their tribe there passed killing epidemic. Old men and children, and died, according to the doctor, the society structure reeled.

Often flu with ease passes

into pneumonia. It faced Uertas Beatriz in 2010 when in a southeast selva some sick children from a tribe machigenga arrived with parents to it to camp, and they looked very bad.

the Pernicious meeting

Eventually these children cured, and they returned to themselves to a tribe. But not all are so lucky. The same Uertas Beatriz several times became the witness of epidemics in a tribe machigenga, living in valleys of the rivers of Manu and Pini-Pini (near the well-known national park "Manu"). In 2007, for example, emergence there led Cicada of Films studios to big losses.

according to Federation of indigenous people of the river of Region of Madre de Dios and its inflows, then three children and one adult died. The studio declared that none of her employees could not become the infection reason. And in it a problem: symptoms not always can be seen. There is enough already of that someone, without knowing that, the unknown for a tribe will bring a virus.

Therefore the authorities Peru and other countries recommend not to come into contact with indigenous people. In this case studios allowed to come on the accommodation territory machigenga. According to the Servayvl International organization ("Survival International"), they saw the Indians dressed on European manners and decided to go further and to find "true" Indians. If so all also was, the studio made a serious and dangerous mistake.

Uertas Beatriz remember

one case which has happened in 2003 in the area to Tayakoma and Yomibato when 12 Indians were lost at the first contact with other people. Next year, according to Regional security services health of Region of Madre de Dios (the area Peru where there live these tribes) the number of death in that area made 17.<"65>"

Because of epidemics brought as a result of invasion the oil companies by "Dutch Shell" in 1984, died about 60% of ethnos naua. Report data of the May, 2017, submitted to the special rapporteur of United Nations by the rights of the Indian people Interethnic association on development the Peruvian Amazonia (Asociación Interétnica para el Desarrollo de la Amazonía Peruana) and Institute legal protection (Instituto de Defensa Legal) are that.

Why in the last year's report vospominayutsya events of the 1980th years? Because everything specifies that the lesson is not acquired yet. These organizations gave the alarm because at the moment in the same region, on a site No. 88, pass works the oil companies "Plus Petrol". It is part "Project of Kamisea", one of the most important projects of the Peruvian economy. Accurate indications for the handling of indigenous people it was not certainly given.

Employees of health care noted that as a result of these actions among Indians, in particular children, there were serious cases of anemia, respiratory insufficiency, pneumonia, renal diseases and the increased arterial pressure. Quite recently in an organism of 106 Indians naua mercury in the doses exceeding doses even of those who is exposed to professional influence of mercury was found.

Cultural infections

In those blissful times when Sontone hunted in mountains or caught fish, epidemics almost were not. At least, about them there are no certificates. The present old man Sontone tells how that he calls the word "wawie" — the infected air came once.

"Suddenly people began to die one by one" — it continues. They caught any illness. At that time arakmbutam it seemed improbable, after all they "got used to die of an old age or of accident in mountains, but not of an illness". Then there was something that not only broke their immunity, but also shook all structure of their society.

Now the reason of frequent infection of Indians serious respiratory, gastric and other diseases is covered with

not only that they have no immunity to many viruses. Neptali Kueva, one more doctor treating Indians, claims that their concept of health is other than ours. It means, besides purely biological component, also cultural, social, family.

It is the daily rituals passing from father to son, inseparable from a place where they are carried out. Neptali Kueva writes in the essay "Concept of Health among the Isolated Indians": "There is a secret agreement for harmonious coexistence of a biological, mental and spiritual component". It tells "health wellbeing" about existence of an accurate binomial.


remembers how died his mother, the father, one of his daughters, obviously, after arrival of new people. At the same time he saw how its tribe fell; as people ceased to live clans or families, and villages were formed; as found worms in excrements; as dead children and as there were strange troubles were born. Also all began with arriving planes.

one of flights during which Dominican monks preached them the gospel, candies gave to one of Indians

B. At first, as translators were not, that did not understand that candies can be eaten, and it threw them on the earth as grain which will grow then and will yield edible fruits. There were days, candies decayed and did not give any sprouts, similar that grow up at an early stage of developments agriculture. Sontone says that this episode, ridiculous and harmless, proves one axiom: the more alien presence, the there is more than cultural destruction, it is more than damage of private and public life and nature life.

Respect, care, whether the rights

It is possible to solve somehow now problems of diseases in Indian tribes? Ministry cultures of Republic Peru has for a long time necessary reports and can solve existing problems. Nancey Portugal serving the ministries, insists on need of creation of a sanitary and epidemiological cordon.

Main is the respect of their rights for self-determination on what Mendyeta, Kueva, Uertas Beatriz insist. But in order that their way of life respected, they need to give opportunity the medical care that is the extremely difficult, after all for this purpose it is necessary to understand bases of their culture.

Doctor Mendyeta was the participant of events which only confirm as far as it is difficult to make it. In 2012 in already mentioned tribe machigenga it treated the outbreak of the pneumonia which has carried away lives of four children. Considering weight of circumstances, it brought patients to hospital to Region of Cuzco, the known city in the Andes where prejudices and a language barrier only aggravated situation.

Another time one girl the injection urgently was necessary for

, but parents were against. "Medicine should be entered an oral way, why life of the girl hung any time by a thread". Two days later more skilled translator persuaded parents to give an injection, and the girl recovered. It is difficult to us to understand it, but for Indians any prick — this presence of the stranger at a body which can do harm.


suggests to come into contact with the tribes which are in the real isolation — nomads who almost did not meet "civilization" (for example, mashko-piro in Manu's woods) — on coast of the rivers in Amazonia where they from time to time leave to ask help. It is necessary to do it extremely carefully, drugs to give only in the form of syrups and tablets. In case of such tribes hospitalization — not option because if one will die, the others can think that this murder and to be adjusted hostilely. Even the Ministry of Culture insists that at a casual meeting with the isolated Indians is recommended not to exchange with them any subjects. Also they cannot give clothes because through it diseases, and certainly, food and drinks can be transferred.

during any contact the virus can be transferred to

. But it is not necessary to think thus that they are not able to treat at all. Nancey Portugal says that during one of recent supervision over group mashko-piro was noticed that one of Indians was one-legged. On a place of a missing foot scars were visible. It is supposed that it was attacked by the cayman. But nobody knows, what means it cured so that he could live further.

Life goes on …

Now Sontone remembered that once, in those far times when he lived still happy and not documented, it began a back pains after he ate a pacu — a big rodent with tasty meat which with pleasure eat in Amazonia. He recovered at helps a spell which it and executes to me now as well as the first, with tobacco leaves at poisoning with fish.

about three Years ago Hector allocated for

the father in hospital in Lima to treat his heart. Doctors were surprised to its health, in its more than 80 years. It asked, than it all life ate and as it could sustain shunting operation. He considers that the only cunning was that at the beginning of the life he did not know consumerism, a stress and sugar. Did not know particles of that we call a civilization.

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