The prime minister of RK held a meeting with the Ambassador of United States of America in Kazakhstan
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Astana. The prime minister Kazakhstan Bakytzhan Abdirovich Sagintaev met the Plenipotentiary Ambassador of United States of America in RK George Albert Krol, transfers with reference to the official site of the head of the government.

during a meeting discussed topical issues of bilateral cooperation in economy spheres, trades and investments, strengthenings of friendly relationship. The results of diplomatic mission of the ambassador of Dzh are summed also up. George Albert Krol in Kazakhstan.

"After visit of our head of state Nazarbaev N. to Washington D.C. contacts became stronger even more strongly. As a whole, for operating time the economic component of our relationship came to higher level" — the Prime minister Bakytzhan Abdirovich Sagintaev told.

Today the bilateral relations between Kazakhstan and United States of America are brought by

to level of expanded strategic partnership. Following the results of of a business trip the Prime minister of RK Bakytzhan Abdirovich Sagintaev to State of California and New York which took place in April of last year, to San Francisco the Consulate General where through digitalizations the joint representations of companies as "Zerde", "Astana a hub", science and technology park of "Ala Tau" work was open. Within work of Consulate General cooperation Kazakhstan with the southwest of United States of America, including with the leading American companies, located in the Silicon valley develops.

Besides, during a meeting discussed plans of works for further strengthening of business connections between the countries.

In turn, J. George Albert Krol emphasized a special role and strategy of the President Kazakhstan Nazarbaev N. in development and strengthening of friendly relationship with all states.

"The role which plays Kazakhstan in UN Security Council, has huge effect. Kazakhstan – this country which was as a part of Soviet Union 26 years ago, and now is the leading country in the region and in the world as a whole. The policy of your President to neighboring countries is very important for stabilization of the relations" — the ambassador of United States of America in Kazakhstan told.


. George Albert Krol work as the Ambassador of United States of America in Kazakhstan since January 8, 2015.