The program of financial support Greece will come to the end on August 20

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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On Monday, August 20, comes to the end the prolonged program of financial support Greece with the international creditors. In its framework the so-called three - EU, and International Monetary Fund - in three stages gave out European central bank on credit till 2060 of nearly 300 billion euro that became the largest in the history of EU a package of the economic help.
For the past eight years since the prime minister of that time Greece Georgios Geoffrey Papandreu recognized by

the actual bankruptcy Hellas and asked for the help "the senior partners" in the eurozone, Greeks endured the real national crash: since 2010 national economy was reduced by 25 percent, national debt grew to 180 percent in relation to gross domestic product, and without work there was every third.

But the most important is that the country completely lost economic and substantially the political sovereignty. After all from the moment of the introduction in the program of "memorandums" - agreements with creditors - Government of Greece independently could not adopt any law without preliminary approval Brussels. And delegations from International Monetary Fund regularly visited gorod Afiny for obtaining detailed reports at local officials about made "progress" in carrying out painful antisocial structural reforms. They also were the main condition of allocation of multi-billion trenches under which four Greek governments replaced since 2010 undertook to pursue policy of rigid budgetary economy. It provided sharp reduction of pensions, salaries, cancellation of many measures of social support, and also substantial increase of taxes, broad privatization of state property and other structural reforms.

at the beginning of this year the present prime minister Greece Alexis Tsipras, come to the power in the 2015th on populist slogans of an immediate exit from "memorandums", but upon completely fulfilled everything "lowered from above" requirements Brussels, promised Greeks to put an end tightened to "national humiliation"." We at last will leave the period of supervision, drastic measures and humiliation. We will leave the dark period", - Alexis Tsipras spoke, pointing to huge victims of the population of the country from extremely rigid requirements of EU and International Monetary Fund.

EU and International Monetary Fund put forward Greece the most rigid requirements

However, that a formal exit Greece from under guardianship of the international creditors at all does not mean finding by gorod Afiny full independence in economic affairs, the majority of the population of Hellas agrees. According to survey conducted at the beginning of 2018 for the local newspaper Real News, more than 66 percent of respondents are sure what finally to get rid of supervision of creditors to gorod Afiny it will not be possible.

of the Similar opinion hold and to Germany - the main financial sponsor Greece in the last eight years. In Berlin directly declare that to Greeks it is not necessary and to dream of withdrawal from macroeconomic indicators earlier coordinated with creditors, weakening of policy of rigid budgetary economy and especially of restructuring or write-off of debts.