New investments in economy Abkhazia. When to expect effect?

@Voennoe obozrenie
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of Nearly 10 years passed from the date of finding of independence by Abkhazia. However in a decade the economy of the republic could not open and small part of potentials available for it. Unfortunately, could not. Not especially helps at present and that the Abkhazian financial system passed to use as the main means of payment of Russian ruble. Profitability the Abkhazian budgets in 2017 made 10,158 billion rubles, expenses – 10,191 billion. About a third of tax revenues was made thus by the tourist branch which more than 90% it is connected with the Russian tourism.

For the next discussion of prospects of developments the Abkhazian economy with working visit arrived to Moscow Gennady Leonidovich Gaguliya. Discussion of economic problems took place during a meeting with deputy chairmen of the Russian Cabinet of Ministers Alexey Gordeyev and Vitaly Mutko. Questions of existing investment programs (2017-2019) and programs new (2020-2022) are discussed.

In particular, investment programs assume investments in perspective Abkhazian agrosector. Russian Federation intends to make investments in increase of volumes of agricultural production in Abkhazia. In particular, the feijoa is a question of cultivation of fruit, including oranges, tangerines, lemons, a kiwi, a persimmon, apples, etc.

the Program provides creation of joint ventures on processing of production of the Abkhazian landowners.

In total, the Russian investments till 2019 will make 5,8 billion rubles. It is more than a half of the income state budgets RA. About financial programs of new investment programs it is not reported.

New investments into economy of Abkhazia. When to expect effect?

visit of the Deputy Prime Minister Aslan Alekseevich Kobakhiya to South Ossetia

Frankly would be desirable to hope For a photo that financial funds allocated to Sukhumi from the Russian budgets really went and the republics will go for development, instead of will be lost pleated a political and economic Abkhazian relief.
Are used fotografii:
Alexey Gordeyev
Last position: Vice-chairman (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Vitaly Mutko
Aslan Alekseevich Kobakhiya
Main activity:Official
Respublikanskoye government
Government Agency